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avanafil pka  Whenever I talk to a Tory these days his name comes up: they want to know if the turnaround in the party's fortunes is down to him. Certainly, his presence has helped give Conservative efforts a better focus. He masters data and is able to put in front of Tory MPs (in particular) some unalloyed facts about what works and what doesn't. He's also good at imposing message discipline and boiling the Conservative shpiel down to a crisp few lines (Ed Miliband is weak, David Cameron is prime minister, the Tories are on the side of hard working people who play by the rules). Indeed, he is far more present than people realise – his contribution must amount now by my reckoning to three or four days a week. And it shows. The operation is better. But the one thing he can't give the Tories is hunger. I have written before that Labour politicos have worked out their daily plan for killing Tories and winning power before the Tories have got out of bed. Perhaps under Mr Miliband the despair of their position is beginning to eat into their confidence. But Labour's tribalism is a motivating force, and gives them a keenness that Tories lack: the delusion that it might be better to be in opposition than in power on the wrong terms or under the wrong leader is a particular Tory perversion. It is certainly true that it is easy to find signs that the Tory operation is not burning the midnight oil to find ways to stuff Labour. Mr Crosby can make them get up early, but he can't give them the hunger they need to secure victory in 2015. That will have to come from elsewhere.
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acheter clomid et duphaston  Chrystia Freeland has written that the increasing wealth of the Super-Rich will continue until the Super-Rich realize they need the rest of us. Chrystia Freeland, “The Rise of the New Global Elite”, The Atlantic Magazine, January-February 2011. More than two years later, I see no evidence that the Super-Rich have begun to realize that workers need fair compensation. Adam Smith seems to have had the same view. He wrote that owners may be inclined to lower wages, but patriotism and ethics could restrain them. Many Plutocrats see themselves as citizens of the World, and have money to buy citizenship wherever they choose. Also, Greed being Good, greed trumps ethics. Finally, Plutocrats usually believe they deserve their wealth, and do not realize they have skimmed wealth from the Middle Class (and the poor and mere millionaires.) The inequality has grown to be comparable to France on the verge of the Revolution. When the remnants of the Middle Class find they cannot afford to buy bread, will the Plutocrats advise us to buy cake?
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